Routine Well Woman’s Care
Your routine annual exam might include a variety of opportunities to take advantage of early detection and screening for different women’s health issues. Depending on your age different tests such as pap smears, HPV screening, mammogram, bone density scans, and blood tests might be recommended. Another goal at you annual visit is to take advantage of general health maintenance advice that might be specific to your needs.
Contraception Counseling
One of the most common issues to address during a visit to your gynecologist is contraception counseling. We will be able to provide the most up to date information on all the different forms of reversible and permanent contraception available. Options we can consider range from hormonal methods such as birth control pills, patches and rings to more long term methods such as intrauterine devices. During your visit we will be able to outline and discuss both the contraceptive effectiveness and non-contraceptive benefits of these different methods. For women who have completed their child bearing years we can also discuss permanent options such as tubal ligation and tubal occlusion with Essure, a less invasive procedure. We will be able to find the right method to suit your goals and needs.
Screening and Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted diseases .or STD’s, can be transmitted through sexual intercourse or exposure to bodily fluids. Barrier methods of contraception are the standard in preventing sexually transmitted infections, but unfortunately they are not foolproof. Patient’s may are may not be symptomatic from an STD. If left untreated some STD’s can cause more long term problems and infertility. We can provide all the latest information about the different lab tests including vaginal cultures and blood work that can be done in the office. We will also be able to provide the most up to date treatment recommendations as they are needed. During your visit be sure to ask about STD screening and treatment.
Evaluation of Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids or Myomas are benign tumors that develop over time in the wall of the uterus. Fibroids can exist in up to 60% of the population; however, a majority of women with fibroids will be symptom-free. Women who have symptoms experience problems such as heavy bleeding. bloating, painful menstrual periods, difficulty with intercourse, pelvic pain, and in rare cases recurrent pregnancy loss. If you have symptomatic fibroids we will be able to outline the best management strategy for you. In some cases, medical management might be preferable to help relieve the symptoms. Alternatively, a surgical approach might be suggested. We are able to provide all the latest minimally invasive techniques for removing your fibroids including laparoscopic myomectomy, robotic myomectomy with the daVinci robot, and hysteroscpic resection with Myosure. In some cases, a more definitive option such as hysterectomy might be recommended as well. If you think you are having symptoms from uterine fibroids please call for a consultation today.
Pelvic Pain Evaluation
Pelvic pain especially ongoing or chronic pain can adversely affect your day to day life. There are a wide range of causes for pelvic pain including but not limited to, gynecologic problems such as endometriosis, fibroids, scar tissue from prior surgeries or pelvic infections, and even physical abuse. Patients with pelvic pain can be evaluated with routine office tests, and more advanced imaging studies including ultrasound and CT scan. Treatment for these conditions can include both medical and surgical approaches. We will work closely with you, and tailor the best treatment plan to achieve optimal symptom control.
Menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, menstrual irregularity, vaginal dryness, night sweats, difficulty with intercourse, and decreased sexual desire. These symptoms are attributed to the natural decrease in your body’s own hormones; specifically estrogen. While these symptoms are usually expected at some point in life and can be considered normal, they might be adversely affecting you overall quality of life.
Treatment options include lifestyle changes, over the counter supplements and remedies, and prescription medications such as hormone replacement. While prescription hormone replacement therapy comes in a variety of different formulations, it may not be your first choice. We will be able to review and summarize the pros and cons of all the above mentioned options taking into account your health issues, to arrive at the best management recommendations to fit your personal needs. If you think you are experiencing menopausal symptoms call us to arrange a consultation.
Abnormal Pap Smear Evaluation
The routine Pap smear is a cornerstone of our cervical cancer screening and prevention program. If your Pap smear is abnormal we will spend time to explain all the next steps in evaluating that abnormality.
These tests might include HPV screening and Colposcopy to further investigate and confirm the Pap result. We will also outline different management or treatment strategies. These could range from simply repeating the Pap test at more frequent intervals, to treatment with a Loop Electrical Excision Procedure or LEEP. We can also discuss and recommend the HPV vaccine that helps prevent abnormal pap smears.
MonaLisa Touch
MonaLisa Touch is an FDA approved treatment for “genitourinary syndrome of menopause.” This refers to the thinning of vaginal tissue which develops in some women after menopause and can cause burning, dryness, pain with sexual activity and varied urinary symptoms, including more frequent infections. The procedure consists of three treatments six weeks apart that are performed in our office. Each treatment takes approximately five minutes with minimal discomfort, and has no downtime- in other words, you walk out and go back to work, home, exercise, or whatever else you may have planned for the day. A once yearly maintenance treatment is then required that could be performed at the same time as your annual exam.